Here am blogging again- and boy, what I have to share!!! First of all, I would like to say that I have never realized what a distraction Facebook is until now :( Whenever you see someone, and have the latest news for them-BOOM- they already saw it on Facebook. So anyways, lately, it has been a very fun, happy, wonder-filled month, yet, tragic, heart-breaking, crazy days still lay in the air. The bad news I am sharing, can be seen as a disaster- yet a miracle performed by Jesus. Actually, all the matters I have to share are like this.
First off, God provided the awesome opportunity of me being able to go to nationals again- and even better, it was in Alexandria, Verginia! And also, my grandma grew up in DC, so she and my grandpa were going to be going us as well. I have been training my arms off for months now, doing any chance to earn money to go on this expensive trip. Problem #1 the day of registration, my parents were unable to get onto the website to register me. They continued to try, every once and a while, but still could not reach the page. One day, we finally got it. We were all very relieved. Problem #2 that day we got a call- from the climbing registraters! (or whatever they're called) They said that I would not be alowed to compete in nationals, because we were a day late. So we put in a bid (which is like a protest) and sadly, they denied it. WE figured it was a situation we were going to try really hard in, so we placed in another bid (with the help of my Grandparents, of course). We hadn't heard from them for a while, but that Tuesday, we got an email from USA climbing. I was fearful to open it, my hand shaking on the mouse (well maybe not that bad). That was it- they had denied my second appeal. Soon enough, we found out that we could not cancel our flights, and that we were still going to Alexandria! I was over-joyed. Sure enough, the day after we had our first vacation meeting, my grandma was in the hospital, with heart problems. We were not going to Alexandria. Oh, and the next day, we saw that there was "the biggest blizard of the century" in Washington DC and that all flights were being canceled. I just thought- God, you're really, really there. God's the one that sent the storm. God's the one that sickened (and soon healed ;) my grandmother. God's the one that told us, that it was just not time to go to Verginia. And, it all worked out, for I was ancious to do school sports- and I could NOT have done them if I was having to be training hard. Also, I kind of just needed a little break from climbing. But no worries- now I am back in the gym, staying in shape, so if God calls me to do something for Him, I will me prepared when he does :))))) The End...
.....Well, that story ;) This lesson is not even half as long, but it has done just as much teaching, healing, and sadness :( The dad of my friend from River Park lost his life in a motorcycle accident :( He had 3 young kids and a very strong relationship with them and his wife. Even though, I didn't know them that well, hsi death really affected me. I can't even imagine what Carter and the two younger girls were feelings. But, once I stopped sobbing, a feeling of peace came over me- a peace that showed me a glimse of heaven- possibly a little bit of what Matt was feeling in heaven right now. It made me excited to spend time with Jesus, knowing that he is with my relatives and friends. I will always remember him, his family, and what Jesus can do, if you devote yourself to him. our thoughts and prayers are with the Drakes right now...
Now, I would like to end my stories up with the lyrics of my new song:
Oh wait- I have to go write one right now, but, I will show you the words, once it is done. But until then, God bless you all :)))))))