Thursday, September 10, 2009

Being WELL Fed

I have realized that there won't be one week that I go to mid-week at the Well, and there won't be a single service I don't completely understand and enjoy. I thank Mr. Brad so much for making the sermon clear enough that even I can totally get it every week. This week he talked on having a broken spirit. He talked about how Nehemiah would pray constantly and never cease to pray. At first I was very confused and I thought that he meant that we shouldn't pray for ourselves but more for others, but he meant that we might need to pray for a while unitl God answers our prayer. Besides how amazing the Well is, this weekend I am attending a rock climbing compition at a place in the middle of no where, near Ojai. It is outdoors, and I will be staying over-night. I am waiting to hear if my close friend Bekah from the Well is coming with us, but nomatter what it will be so fun. I hope you all have a great week. God bless,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Salvation Is Here

Hey everyone. Last night at the Well God really reached out to me. I really loved Mr. Brad's message on having a dislocated heart and a holy discontent. Dad and I had to go to coffee this morning to talk about it and we had a really nice chat. We talked about it and now I'm just asking that he (and anyone else) would just pray that I would have a dislocated. God above all the world and motions. God above all the fears and hopes. I don't care what the world throughs at me know. It's going to be alright for I know my God saved the day. And I know His Word never fails. My God made a way for me. Salvation is here...